
Hi there! You are so welcome here!

I am a '“Life Path Maverick.” I empower mission-driven leaders and teams to clear blocks and shine brighter! If you are running on autopilot, taking care of too many deadlines, or running on empty, there may be an inner voice begging for you to slow down and remember the “more” of who you are and what ignites your inner spark.

Perhaps it’s a passion from your youth. Or an inner itch to re-ignite your heart’s magic.

You don’t need to overhaul all that you’ve already accomplished. You may need to look within, however, and shift priorities. I help you clarify your “why” so you can bring your true passions forward and thrive.

About me

I have been where you are - many times- seeking a way to live with deeper authentic purpose.

One of my earliest major life transitions was leaving a stifling orthodox home in my teens to venture into a new (uncertain) less traditional path. I dove deep into how to build a life that was both authentic and meaningful. Over time, I found new strength through diving into spirituality, meditation, and intuition.

Later, as a struggling single mother juggling four jobs to pay the bills, I sought a way to live where I could do what I love - creative play and inspiring people in their growth - while still thrive. I yearned to be able to do the work of my heart while also providing for my family.

In each of these transitions, while scary and unsettling, there were gifts. I found a deeper sense of meaning. I explored how I could live with greater authenticity and connection. Specifically, I was aligning with my deeper mission for being on the planet.

For me, my heart was calling me to share my true gifts. I yearned to connect people with their own wisdom and remind them of their magnificence. I learned that my path is to guide people to ignite their inner spark as a path to deeper joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

I now inspire mission-driven leaders, innovators, and teams to move from stuck to thriving success whether through careers pivots, businesses shifts, mid-life changes, or crises of vision.

I leverage my 30+ years’ experience - including being a CTI trained coach and Certified Intuitive Practitioner - along with my over 15 years’ experience in business, organizational change and development, and communications, to help people thrive.

I live in Northern California where I enjoy hiking, biking, learning, and cooking delicious meals to share with friends!

Resources to Ignite Your Life

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Alisa encourages mission-driven leaders and teams to step up, activate their purpose, to create thriving results - on all levels! www.diamondlightnow.com