Many of us seek a deeper, more real way to live our lives. We want our family connections, relationships with kids, work situations, and more– to align with our true inner light. Perhaps we discover meditation, yoga, and other healing modalities that help us re-discover what truly lights us up. We start to map our way forward into aligning our outer world with who we truly are.
And then, bam, one day, out of the blue, we get hit with an old memory, hurt, or resentment, and we say, “WHAT? Where did that come from? Why is this showing up for me to look at now?”
Here is a secret. The heart is one organ, one energy. As you activate your heart with all that would most excite and fulfill you, any shadows that are hidden in the murky dark depths can show up. Why is that? Well, old wounds and hurt places are simply coming up to be healed. We can’t fully experience the totality of the joy and magic we seek, unless we are willing to face and clear old traumas, hurts, and resentments that keep us playing small.
For most of us, the process of clearing old gunk is anything but fun. Quite the opposite, in fact. It often brings up feelings of unworthiness or angst. In this blog, I share one of the quickest ways to help you blast through any dark angers, fears, and hurts, so you can return re-centered in your inner light faster!
Clear the past to move forward
So what is this special method? In a word, forgiveness - for yourself, for the other, and for the situation. More to come on that in a minute. Let’s start with an example.
Imagine you ask for and magnetize a new love partner to enter into your life. You get clear on all the wonderful qualities you would like this other person to have. You imagine all the fun aspects of this relationship, such as traveling together, spending time on common interests, having wonderful conversations, and having a lovely sensual connection as well. Perhaps you create vision boards, write lists of qualities you want to experience.
All of this is perfect and really wonderful to do to get your subconscious, and the universe, aligned to bring you your heart’s desire. This helps your inner being bring to you exactly what you have asked for. It starts to put the pieces together so that just the right steps you need to take are put in front of you, and you are guided forward.
Then all of a sudden – Wham - you hit a wall! You come across a deep resentment from the past, and you say, “Wait what? Where did that come from?” You may feel belittled or hurt which you recognize as a deep wound emerging. You perhaps recall this incident and think, “No, there is no way I can forgive that person. He (or she) did this horrible thing to me, and I can’t let that go. It hurts too deeply, it felt so bad. It’s unforgivable!”
Remember: what we can’t forgive becomes a wall, blocking us from new growth and expanded living!
Forgive to leap forward
Whenever I say, or hear someone else say, these words, “That is unforgivable”, this indicates to me that the wound is deep, and also that there is an opportunity for deep release. If we can forgive what we perceive as “unforgivable”, there is more opportunity and lightness within for us to truly live in the joy and peace we envision for ourselves.
Forgiveness does not imply that what has happened is “okay.” Many of us have experienced deep hurts and wounding, either in the recent or far past. As humans, over the millenia, we have been on both sides of the equation. We have been the ones that hurt others, and others have hurt us. It’s almost as if, as humans, we walk around with blinders on. We inherit old patterns from our communities, families, or ancestral lines. For example, we may have a feeling of unworthiness, and instead of facing and clearing this, we lash out on others. This is often done unconsciously, as a way to soothe our own sense of separateness. And so the hurting of each other continues.
We are quickly coming to a place collectively, however, where we are remembering our oneness. We are beginning to wake up from the idea of separation. That said, we have the opportunity to do some deep digging to clear those areas where either we, or those in our lives, stepped on each other. If there is residual hurt and damage, we need to clear the slate.
Seeing past the hurt…to the light
I know this can be a touchy subject. “Why do I have to forgive the unforgivable?” Well, this same question has come up for me recently. A hurt I hadn’t even realized I still carried from childhood showed up for me. The first time I saw this hurt, I tried to forgive the other person, and I just couldn’t. I simply couldn’t look past my own hurt, to see the larger context. I asked for help, and this fell flat. I had to surrender to the fact that I was holding a resentment – that was holding ME back.
I continued to ask for help and asked for the willingness to forgive. Within a few weeks, with the support of my guides and angels, I began to see in a new way. I moved into seeing the other person was acting from their own hurt, constricted place, and really didn’t know any better. I also saw this as part of an old, stifling (and repeating) family pattern.
As I looked at my inner child, I was able to acknowledge how scared and helpless I felt at the time. Once I acknowledged my own hurt, I had the strength to see the other person differently. I was guided to see this person as a young child themselves, not as the perceived scary person. I began to see that they were coming from an outdated pattern that told them they had to hide their light, and to express it in inappropriate ways. I began to see their magnificence, and- lo and behold, through the energy of forgiveness, I found a lightening within my own heart!
Practice makes progress
Here is a meditative practice that you can use to soften your own heart, and move forward in letting go of any old hurts. While it does take courage and willingness to be able to let go of the hurt, the rewards for doing so are great. You are essentially freeing your self to manifest all the love and magic and healing available to you NOW!
Exercise: Forgive the “unforgivable” to find peace:
Center in your heart. Breathe deeply and listen to your heart’s beating. Take a few moments to experience a sense of being safe and supported fully in this moment.
Consider the person or event that has triggered you. Put your hand on your heart and breathe into any feelings of hurt that are arising.
Send love to the part of you that is triggered. Dive in a bit more to what you are feeling. Is it hurt? Anger? Fear? Send love to the part of you that has been carrying this heavy emotion for so long. Thank this part, and then let this part know you, the larger you, will take this now. As an integrated person, you will work through and clear this old pattern.
Ask for the support you need from the Universe. This can include asking for help from your Guardian Angel, or beings such as Jesus, Mohammad, the Buddha, or any other enlightened Master you prefer. You can also simply ask for the greater wisdom of your soul or higher self to help you move through this feeling. Pay attention, as you may feel a wash of love and peace flow over you in waves.
Express, release, and clear feelings from your body. Give your body permission to really feel into this emotion. You may want to weep, hit a pillow, moan, cry. Do whatever you need to let go of this deep wounding from your body.
Healing love: When the intensity of the energy has stopped, ask your angels and guides to continue clearing this old energy from you and to fill your heart with the energy of pink love and healing.
Forgive yourself: Was there anything within you or the situation where you judge or berate yourself? Hold your hand over your heart, and gently remind yourself that you did the very best you knew how at the time. You have always done the best you knew how. Know that every experience has seeds of growth and learning. You can trust that you are innately lovable, and mistakes are simply that- places where something was tried the best they knew how. We can learn, and then try again differently next time. The essence of who we are is that of love and perfection, and it’s okay to fail and learn and keep growing along the way.
Forgive the other person: This may be a bit trickier, and so don’t worry if you aren’t able to complete this part on the first try. Depending on the extent of the hurt, this may take a few times. Ask your angels and guides to surround you and accept their love and support. Ask them to help you to see the other person as a young child. You can see them as precious and whole, as a divine being deserving of your love and care. Send them love and forgiveness, knowing they too have always done the best they knew how. They are learning, as you are, and are worthy of love.
Forgive the situation: So often we find ourselves in families or situations that repeat across generations. We also may be part of a society where there are certain expectations or cultural norms that are unhealthy for us. Ask for help to see what you were learning from this situation in the past. Ask to see the situation from a new perspective.
Be gentle with yourself. The answers may come now or later. What you are looking for is a deeper understanding. This can help you surrender the hurt, gain wisdom, and then deeply let this pattern of abuse / hurt / trauma go.
Return to the moment. Breathe and return to center. Know that you have done powerful work to clear your energy, and open to more love, freedom, and grace in your life. Well done!
Bravely seek new insights
I know this process of forgiveness may sound simple. It definitely takes courage. However, the effects are incredibly powerful. While my forgiving of a person who has triggered me may benefit the other person, that’s not my main focus. The true reason I do this work is for myself. I no longer want to carry the hurt and inherited trauma of previous generations. I no longer am willing to have outdated patterns show up for me in my life. I am willing to do the work so that I can clear the past…and in so doing, create for myself a brand new future.
And the benefits are fast acting! After doing forgiveness work, I notice I suddenly have more energy and feel even more aligned with my path. I have a deeper sense of confidence, and a greater sense of safety. Miracles in work and life open up greatly. And this is directly linked with my willingness to do the work to clear the imprint of past pain through forgiveness.
So my invitation for you today is…if an old wound pops up for you to look at, consider slowing down to explore how you can forgive – yourself, the other, and the situation.
The clearing of your heart is so worth it. It’s not only amazing for you and your peace of mind. It is also so wonderful for all those around you, who get to see more of your light shine forth!
Many blessings,
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