7 Steps to Activate Infinite Abundance & Thrive! [Part 1]
Dive into the steps you can take now to bring your true mission to life
Many of us feel we have something larger to do or accomplish. We may wake up in the middle of the night with that familiar feeling, “There is something MORE I am meant to do in this life!”
You know you have magic within you that is eager to shine. It can be a yearning for a new career, where you feel your gifts will be used in ways that light your inner fire. It may be a desire to serve a particular group of people, where your light will especially make an impact.
At the same time, you may not know how to move from where you are, with responsibilities such as home, mortgage, kids etc., and step into the unknown waters to create your passion and share your true gifts. Doubt may perk up it’s head and tell you to just keep your unique gifts close to the heart. You may thing, “Isn’t it enough for me to share my unique talents and gifts with my immediate circle?”
Listen, the world needs to see your sparkle - the time is now!
Here’s a question for you - when you look back on your life - would you prefer to say “I did what was expected of me” or would you rather say “I followed my heart AND allowed every area of my life to be supported with ease and flow.”
It’s not an either/or proposition. You get to create the life of your dreams, shine your light, and thrive!
I am sharing this 7 step process that can help you do just this. In this Part 1 blog post, we’ll look at the the first 3 steps. We’ll start with your vision, and move step by step into the full manifestation of your desire.
This practice has helped me on numerous occasions to bring many magical manifestations into my life, including new careers, homes, and locations- that I am excited to see how you use them to amplify your true work in the world. Enjoy!
#1: Clarify what you want
Get specific on what you want and why you want it. This is the way you start to crystalize your ask for the universe, so it knows what you want and can deliver it right to you! If you want more clients, get specific on the feeling this will give you. For example, the essence may be a greater sense of freedom so that you can invest more time in your true work.
If you want a new house, get clear on how you want this to feel. It may be that having this home will provide you the stability and sanctuary you need to be more present with those in your life. If you want more travel, the essence may be more interactions with those who you will be able to serve, and who will add to your abundance and flow.
The key at this point is to really allow your heart to guide you and feel into the essence of all that you would like to bring in. Remember, the Universe has many ways to deliver what you want. In fact, some may be even more magnificent than you can imagine! So go for the essence, and let the Universe bring you the miracles.
#2: Embody the energy
Align with your desire energetically. Imagine your body as a magnificent manifesting machine. When you align the energy of your desire into the molecular and DNA structure of your body, your desire will manifest in a way that is absolutely aligned with your truest self and being.
There are many ways to do this. One way is to imagine what you have asked for as a ball of energy. Add as many qualities of light as you can into this ball of light, such as peace, harmony, aliveness, etc.
Now tune into the energy of your body, including your molecules and DNA. Simply pretend, if this helps you - know that your body truly hears your request! Ask your body to create matching particles of light to your ball of desire. Then invite this ball of energy to merge with your innate being. Essentially you are creating an energetic imprint of this energy within you. Your body is in working with you to bring forth what you have asked for.
Note: this is an advanced way to manifest, so please be careful that you manifest only what you truly want. You may also want to include a caveat such as “I ask this for the highest good of all beings” when you use this technique.
This is a simple yet powerful way to work with energy to begin to allow your energetic structure to bring to you your heart’s truest desires.
#3: Clear outdated energy
Clear outdated energies on all levels. Take your time to clear outdated ideas on all levels - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. This will enhance how quickly the universe can answer your request and bring you what you desire.
From a physical standpoint, if you are calling in something new, and your house is a mess, one initial step is to start spring cleaning! If you are manifesting something new and your body feels heavy, get physically moving, such as through walking or cardio. This will clear the energetic flow and fast track the energy of manifesting.
Consider your mental body. Are your current thoughts supporting you in manifesting the new? Take some time to explore the cobwebs in your mind. If you find outdated beliefs such as “I’m not worthy of the best” or “Life is hard and I need to struggle” - these are beliefs that are holding you back. Transform these beliefs to be more loving and uplifting, such as “I deserve magic” and “Life is easy and prosperous for me always!”
Continue to clear your emotional body through observing your current emotional temperature, and if you have outdated feelings that keep you playing small. For example, if you feel envy for someone, can you transform this to blessing the other person, knowing there is plenty of good for all of us.
On a spiritual level, do you have a daily practice that keeps your energy light and radiant? If not, you may want to add a simple meditation practice to your morning and evening routines. This will help keep your heart aligned with the truth of your innate magnificence.
Activate your potential
I will share additional steps in this process in upcoming posts, so stay tuned! In the meantime, know you CAN have the life you envision. You can shine your light and share your gifts - while being responsible and taking care of what is your to do.
As mission-driven people, we weren’t meant to live in drudgery, simply following what society expects of us. We were meant to activate our unique gifts at this pivotal time of transformation on the planet, and to do so fully supported by the oneness of life.
If you want to learn more about my resources, gatherings, retreats, and classes, please visit www.diamondlightnow.com. You can also schedule a brief consultation to discuss your particular path and needs at DiamondLightConsulting.as.me/ or sign up to receive my monthly newsletter. Subscribe Now
Many blessings!