3 Tips to Create Authentic Community
Clear, align and have faith as you invite in those who resonate with your being
What does authentic community mean to you?
I grew up with a strong sense of community, having been raised in a traditional religious home. In this upbringing, there were ample opportunities to connect with others who followed the same path. As I grew up, however, I embarked on a path that took me to explore diverse spiritual practices. This led me to a place where my understanding of the nature of reality shifted significantly. I began to see myself more as a soul-infused personality, and less as an ego-based personality. I relished the joy of learning and drinking in truth from many fountains, such as yoga, meditation, light-body, and dance. Each of these fed my parched soul, and reminded me of the potential for growth and aliveness across all levels, including physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. My evolution has led me to seek new, authentic community, where the truth of who I am aligns and is cared for. I wanted to be seen and acknowledged by those who are on a similar spiritual path of awakening.
Let go to level up
How do we call in people who are similarly focused on raising their consciousness, and on making their soul’s impact on the planet? Over time, I have noticed an interesting paradox.
Perhaps you have heard the empty elevator analogy. Imagine that you are on level three of a building, and are going up! The doors open and the people who are in the elevator car with you at that level get out (you can think of it as if they are not going higher, and you may no longer resonate energetically with them). And there you are, alone!
You think, oh no! Am I going to be on this healing journey, all by myself, forever? Even though you think it might last forever, you go up a few levels when the door open at level five. Guess what? All of a sudden, a new group of people enters the elevator car with you. You find you are with a group of people who are on a similar path as you, and also on their way up! You didn’t realize it could be so fun to be with people who are vibrating at a similar level to you, and where you are mutually enjoying the path of growth together.
Allow the Void…and invite the new
As lightworkers, as we increase our vibrations, those who no longer resonate with us may no longer play the same roles they once did. There may be a void space where you feel you are in the elevator alone. Over time, the right people will show up, ones who are aligned with your upgraded vibration. The space in between the old leaving and the new arising is what is considered the “void”.
As unsettling as this may feel to our personalities, know that magical work is afoot - if we embrace it! Here are three tips to help you navigate the void with more ease and grace.
Get to know yourself a bit better. In between friendships or relationships, we can spend a bit more time getting aligned with our own interests. What lights us up? Where do we want to spend time? We may want to take up crew or another sport where we align our body, our heart, and our mind. In addition, if there are any shadows that tell us we aren’t good enough or that we are somehow unlovable, this is the perfect time for us to clear these outdated beliefs, and seed our minds with more loving thoughts and beliefs. This can help us more easily allow and know we deserve the new relationships we are calling in.
Create the space for more aligned relationships. Get out your pen and paper (or computer screen if preferred) and jot down some thoughts on what you do want to experience in your relationships. For example, if in the past you have experienced judgement or criticism, perhaps you want to call in relationships based on unconditional love. If there was jealousy of time in previous relationships, perhaps now is the time to manifest relationships where you can be fully supported in devoting time to your path. Get really clear on what you want your new relationships and friendships to look and feel like. You are planting the seeds, and this will help the Universe in sending you exactly what you want!
Activate your faith. Being in the void can be a powerful time to strengthen the spiritual muscles of faith and trust. In these in-between times, reflecting on the love that the Universe has for you can be powerful. Drinking in the beauty of a sunset, for example, can remind us of the splendor of the Universe. Watching the stars on a dark night can remind us that we are part of a magnificent dance of life. Listening to our own heartbeat in yoga or meditation can help bring us back to the sweetness of this present moment. Be patient. All of life is enthralled with your beauty and perfection. Take the time to remember your magnificence. Before you know it, the new players in your life will appear. In the meantime, breathe in the cosmic beauty of it all, and know you are enough.
Activate the new
While the void space can feel awkward, we can navigate it effectively and call forth spiritual companions who will be more aligned with our evolutionary path. Know that the right people are on their way to support you on your journey.
I am a guide for lightworkers activating their mission, be it through growing their spiritual business or expanding their professional offerings. If you want to learn more about my resources, gatherings, retreats, and classes, please visit www.diamondlightnow.com. You can also schedule a brief consultation to discuss your particular path and needs at DiamondLightConsulting.as.me/ or sign up to receive updates via my monthly newsletter.
Many blessings on your path of light.
Alisa, thank you for this gem! Wish I had had your wise advice on this topic a few years back. Also, I have seen some old relationships drop away and new ones arise at my new level of vibration just as you described. But some old relationships are baked into our lives and cannot be left behind without creating much trauma for many souls. Those are the relationships that become our teachers on letting go of ego, acceptance, compassion, universal love, and eventually further transcendence. Maybe you could offer an article on that sometime. I bet it would be tremendously helpful just as this article is. 🙏😊